Pink Transparent Keycaps
Number of keys:118keys
Profile:Standard Cherry profile
Compatible with conventional ANSI,60%,65%,75%,TKL,98,108.
Most orders ship within 24-48 hours of ordering.
You may cancel your order within 48 hours of placing it. Please allow 3-5 business days for the refund to post to your original form of payment.
You can return unused items within 14 days of receiving the product for a full refund, excluding shipping costs (including return label). We will inspect the items upon receipt to ensure they are in their original condition. If you receive a defective item, please contact us, and we will provide a free replacement or a full refund. Once you receive the return label, the return must be shipped within 14 days; otherwise, the return label will be voided, and you will no longer be eligible to return the items.
The following items are not eligible for refunds or returns once the packaging has been opened:
- Switch Lubricants
Items on sale and clearance are generally not eligible for returns and refunds unless otherwise noted. Replacement items and items discounted by our customer service team are also not eligible for returns and refunds. Please contact our customer support team if you are unhappy with your purchase.
Returned items are never resold on our site (although they may be sold on refurbished sites at a discount). All items purchased from our store are in new, unused condition.